Elizabeth Bast

A Multi-Faceted Medicine for
Addiction, Trauma, Holistic Wellness, & Visionary Creativity

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Elizabeth’s Free Gift To You:

Emotional Alchemy: A 6-Step Practice to Transmuting Challenging Emotions

Elizabeth Bast

Elizabeth Bast is a cofounder of SoulCentro Iboga Retreats in Costa Rica, along with her husband, Nima Gnynagou.

Along with her husband Gnyangou, she traveled to Gabon numerous times to study the traditional Bwiti ways of knowing including the Missoko Bwiti initiation, rite of passage, and immersive traditional Iboga provider training. She is a twice-certified, trauma-informed yoga teacher and has completed the transformational coach certification course for psychedelic medicine integration & addiction recovery through Being True to You.

Elizabeth is also the author of the award-winning memoir, Heart Medicine: A True Love Story - One Couple's Quest for the Sacred Iboga Medicine & the Cure of Addiction. Her Bwiti name is Mbeye, which means the medicine of the river.

You can learn more about Elizabeth’s work at: https://soulcentro.com/

More ways to connect with Elizabeth:

Elizabeth's website: https://soulcentro.com

Instagram: @soulcentro_retreats

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soulcentroretreats

Chor Boogie art: https://chorboogie.com