Eimear Stassin

Irish Witch Alchemy:
Becoming the Voice for Ireland

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Eimear’s Free Gift To You:

Building Newgrange / Brú na Bóinne

Step back in time, onto the mystical lands of Éiriú / Ireland. Embark on this journey across many timelines and experience what it is like to build such a magnificent & ancient sacred site. Awaken ancient memories within you in this sacred storytelling & meditation journey especially crafted for you, with Mystic Witch Eimear Stassin.

Eimear Stassin

Eimear Stassin is a sacred storyteller and earth witch. She helps witches, wise ones, and healers to rise up and return to their power by walking The Witches Wheel home.

Eimear works to bring the forgotten magic of The Witches firmly into the collective consciousness once again. She offers training in old Irish indigenous ways through the sacred stories of the goddesses & witches of ancient mythology and lore.

Eimear is from Dublin, Ireland, and lives in Central Scotland with her husband, three children, and Border Collie dog.

You can learn more about Eimear’s work at: https://www.eimearstassin.com/