Darryl D'Souza

Creating a New World

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Darryl’s Free Gift To You:

A PDF of Darryl’s book Become Healthy or Extinct — on learning how to reverse chronic illnesses with Integrative Natural Medicine & Therapies

Darryl D'Souza

Darryl D'Souza is an inspiration to millions across the globe due to his journey from 14 years of chronic illness to a state of perfect health within 1 year of using Integrative Natural Medicine & Therapies, and his resultant book, Become Healthy or Extinct (now read in most countries).

Darryl does disease reversal workshops across India and also created online platforms for doctors, healers, and therapists to work together. He was the Secretary of The World United – Doctors’ & Healers’ Association for 5 years when he curated & convened their Continued Medico Spiritual Education Conferences.

Darryl is also an industrial engineer, author, educator, organic farmer, environmentalist, earthkeeper, TEDx speaker, founder of the Integrative Medicine & Health Committee of India, founder of Earth Keepers Connect, convener of The New Earth Summit, and a speaker at The World Parliaments on Spirituality.

You can learn more about Darryl’s work at: https://darryldsouza.com/ and https://becomehealthyorextinct.com/