Baljit Rayat

Unlock Your Sexual Power:
Activate Your Visionary Gifts

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Baljit Rayat

Baljit is a certified sexologist, Authentic Tantra Practitioner®, Akashic Records Consultant and Teacher, Intuitive Mentor, DJ, and Producer.

Baljit takes her clients on a journey to rediscover their purpose, gifts, and talents by connecting them back to their sexual power so they can express their true potential. She’s able to bridge the connection to what is happening for someone sexually and how that relates to them on a Soul level. By looking at patterns that no longer serve them, she works with them to unlock their deepest desire to create prosperity, peace, and embodiment.

Committed to raising the vibration of humanity, Baljit has worked with thousands of people worldwide to uplevel their lives by uncovering the truths of who they are to the core, creating profound results in their businesses & relationships.

You can learn more about Baljit’s work at: