Dr. Azra Bertrand

Remembering Your Original Shape

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Biomancy: Our Future

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Dr. Azra Bertrand

Dr. Azra Bertrand is an award-winning author, physician, healer and mystic, and the founder of Biomancy University — a visionary new model of bio-magical education. He received his medical doctorate from Duke University and also holds a degree in biochemistry.

Dr. Bertrand conducted neuroendocrinology research at the National Institutes of Health in mother-child bonding and attachment before completing his residency in family medicine through the University of California-San Francisco.

Coming from a long line of healers, doctors, and alchemists, Azra's desire to understand the energetic & emotional roots of health led him to train in Reichian bioenergetics with Dr. John Pierrakos, in the lineage of Freud and Jung. He integrated this understanding of soma & psyche into a 10-year practice of regenerative medicine in northern California.

In 2012, he left clinical practice to co-direct and apprentice in a feminine, Earth-centric mystery school, with his wife, Seren Bertrand, teaching thousands of people across the globe. During this time, he received 6 international awards, including two Nautilus awards, for books on feminine-centered spirituality. His studies in magic led him to remote tribes in the rainforests of Indonesia, an apprenticeship with a Balinese Priest, education at a monastic university in India, pilgrimages to sacred sites across the world, and studies of magical practices in the Brythonic tradition.

He is currently the director of Biomancy University, merging leading-edge science, somatics, and mystery traditions, to awaken our bio-magic in connection with our living planet Gaia. Azra lives with his wife and daughter in the Appalachian mountains of North Carolina.

You can learn more about Azra’s work at: https://azrabertrand.com/