Amarpal Kaur Sohi
A Hidden Gem in The Italian Alps
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Amarpal Kaur Sohi
Amarpal (Ami) Sohi is the Founder of Joy Through Travel — a heart-based travel agency that caters to travellers who have a passion for serving, connecting. and supporting environmental initiatives, their communities, and Earth families.
She is a Facilitator and Tour Guide who supports people to explore the Sacred Sites of our beautiful Earth in order to strengthen their sense of joy, contribution, and self-discovery. She is also a storyteller who supports you to rewrite the stories held in your wounds, discover your unique superpowers, and shine your light in the world!
Amarpal grew up in a culture where girls were prohibited from taking up space or celebrating themselves. This sparked her journey to change HERSTORY!
She holds a Master of Science degree in Business Systems Analysis and a Master of Business Administration. After twenty-five years of working in the corporate arena, in 2020, she made a conscious decision to do some serious soul-searching and to find her mission (her North Star) in this lifetime!
After undertaking several spiritual courses and coaching sessions, it became clear to her that she is here to help heal the wounded feminine in humanity!
Amarpal combines the art of storytelling with sacred sites to help people heal the wounds held in their sacred stories. She was a rebellious soul from her early days and always knew she was born to change the World. Amarpal stands for a world where every human is born free and has the right to an abundant life.
You can learn more about Amarpal’s work at: https://www.joythroughtravel.com/