Shamanic & Alchemical Mystery School Global Gathering
Opening to Our True Power & Abilities
As Living Beings in the Miracle Realm of Earth
LIVE Global Broadcast! December 4 to 7, 2023
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”
~ Marianne Williamson
We live in a catalyzing time, when change is flowing through our lives so rapidly, it feels hard to keep up.
It feels as if we are swirling in a mysterious space between past & future, in which we are seeing the old structures & systems of our world crumbling & disintegrating around us.
There is a sense that we are building toward something ... Some elusive breakthrough shimmers on the horizon.
But what is the breakthrough? How will it happen, and when?
We feel a vibrant, inspiring new world rising up in our hearts, even though we cannot see it yet.
While we’re living in the Great Mystery of these times, it is incredibly helpful to look far back to our distant ancestors –
To previous civilizations in which the wonder of the mysteries was appreciated, honored, and utilized in order to help the people live.
These ancient people knew that the unknown – The void – The space between two realities – Is a powerful place from which all new things are birthed.
When we connect in with the skills, tools, & knowledge that were passed down through the lineages of the ancient Mystery Schools …
We find many important tools & understandings to help us navigate what we’re going through today.
Did you know ... ?
The ancient peoples in virtually every ancient & indigenous culture around the world had Mystery Schools in which students or initiates would learn about:
The inherent divinity within each & every person, and how to open the lines of communication with our guides, angels, power animals, and the forces of nature
Working with the energetics of the Earth to manifest & create what we need in life
How to read the stars
(astrology & astronomy)How to tell what will happen in the future (oracular & divinatory training)
How to channel and allow the sacred intelligence of the cosmos to flow through us
Energy healing and clearing / purification practices, so we can be a clear conduit for insights & visions to come through
Using sound to create a higher vibrational frequency state of being
Ritual and ceremony, and how to carry out ritual & ceremony properly (timing, what tools to use, working with the elements, and so on) so that we can be in cosmic alignment and right relationship with the Earth
How to work with our own life force energy (kundalini / qi / prana) and chakras for our greatest health and access to our own divinity
And so much more!
If your heart is saying YES to these freedom-filled concepts …
You are ready to be liberated through a reconnection with your own true & deep power!
To guide you on this potent journey, we created:
This is a very special event designed to guide you in connecting with your own profound power within, so you can feel liberated to confidently make the changes you most deeply need, and rise into living your fullest life during this unprecedented time on our beautiful planet.

During the Shamanic & Alchemical Mystery School, you’ll gather LIVE and in real time with our wonderful wisdom keepers, visionaries, and experts.
You’ll receive the guidance, tools, support, and inspiration you need to activate your true freedom, power, potential, innate gifts & talents, purpose, and so much more.
This event is designed to:
🌟 Instill hope & power in your heart.
🌟 Guide you in crystallizing your remembrance of your true & vast capabilities.
🌟 Remind all of us that miracles, power, and synchronicities are not rare events ... They are the way the universe actually works.
🌟 It’s an invitation & initiation into truth, courage, and inspiration — So that we can come away from the gathering ready to carry these principles forward into our lives.
Together, we can catalyze the changes our world needs ~ From every corner of the planet.
It all begins within YOU!
Meet Our Groundbreaking Speakers!
Jocelyn Star Feather
Your Event Host & Creator of the Shamanic & Alchemical Mystery School
Our World Is A Modern Day Mystery School: Precessional Cycles, the Ancient Prophecies, and How to Navigate the Changes
Dr. Marie Mbouni
Transforming the Scars of the Soul:
Embracing Your Heart Wounds as the Gateway to Evolution & Liberation
John Perkins
Touching the Jaguar:
Changing Perceptions to Transform Yourself & The World
Baljit Rayat
Unlock Your Sexual Power:
Activate Your Visionary Gifts
Ani Williams
Sound Alchemy & The Mystical Traditions of Egypt in Spain
Daniel Scranton
Everyone's Ability to Channel, Heal, & Speak Light Language
Darryl D'Souza
Creating a New World
Dr. Azra Bertrand
Remembering Your Original Shape
Taylor Shuler
Unleash Your Power:
Cosmic Clarity for Fulfillment & Financial Freedom
Natasja Pelgrom
Becoming Stewards of the Sacred
Heather Ensworth, Ph.D.
The Meaning of the Precessional Cycle and This Profound Time of Transition & Transformation on the Planet
Dr. John Ryan
The New Human & Awakening The Crystalline Grid:
An Alchemy of Power & Possibility!
Amarpal Kaur Sohi
A Hidden Gem in The Italian Alps
Danielle Rama Hoffman
Manifesting Multidimensional Abundance With Magdalene Energy
Waxela Sananda
Becoming an Authentic Creator
Dr. Tayria Ward
Re-Inventing the Human
Elizabeth Bast
A Multi-Faceted Medicine for Addiction, Trauma, Holistic Wellness, & Visionary Creativity
Eimear Stassin
Irish Witch Alchemy:
Becoming the Voice for Ireland
Adam Sommer
Archaic Revivals & Growing Soul with Astrology
Nadi Hana
Sacred Geometry:
Accessing Universal Intelligence to Activate Our Multidimensional Consciousness
Ellie Paskell
Your Body is a Revolution!
#Healing #Aliveness #Awakening #Joy
Kathy Forest
Teach Your Children Well:
The Female Body as a Tool for Planetary Transformation
Cynthia Honores
The Power of Alchemical Transformation Through Cacao, Cosmos, & The Shamanic Healing Arts
Dr. Veselka Nikolova
Light Language:
The Energetic Space of Re-Centering, Re-Generation, & Healing

Join all of these amazing speakers, channels, and wisdomkeepers from December 4th to 7th!
Meet Your Host & Creator of the Shamanic & Alchemical Mystery School:
Jocelyn Star Feather
Jocelyn Star Feather is a Visibility & Thought Leadership Coach for Visionary Entrepreneurs, Spiritual Alchemist, Astrologer, & Founder of Sacred Planet. She shares shamanic and ancient wisdom to guide courageous seekers in co-creating a revolutionary new world in alignment with Mother Earth and the vast intelligence of the Cosmos.
After a successful 15-year corporate career working in finance for major multinational companies, Jocelyn was thrust into a deep spiritual awakening. It was that awakening that turned her life upside-down ... And from which she emerged with a powerful understanding of how to use her intuition and healing abilities ~ Aspects of herself that she’d never had access to before.
She dove deeply into earth-based & shamanic practices, and she has studied alongside elders and wisdomkeepers ever since. She has extensively studied ancient civilizations, especially cultures where the Goddess held a strong presence; and she has spent profound & life-changing time in the ancient temples and pyramids of Egypt.
Jocelyn has studied astrology since 2015 and has developed her own unique craft of astrological readings, called Alchemical Astrology. These readings highlight the potentials for transformation and initiation, both in the natal chart as well as in upcoming transits, and seek ways to work with challenge & shadow in the birth chart in order to transmute & transcend it. In this way, we facilitate the individual's highest personal growth and evolution.
Jocelyn blends alchemy, astrology, Hermeticism, ancient & indigenous wisdom, and a magical shamanic perspective to coach & guide visionary entrepreneurs, revolutionaries and change makers all around the world.
One of Jocelyn’s favorite ways to work with her clients is guiding them to create their very own global summits & conferences.
I look forward to sharing with you during this Mystery School Global Gathering!
Much love,
During this truly momentous time, we find our lives filled with unexpected changes, new awakenings, and initiations, on both a personal and a collective level.
Especially during times like these, it is of vital importance that all humans have access to receive & remember the ancient teachings about the power and abilities that are our birthright, the sacredness of Life Itself, and the vital support streaming in from the unseen realms to guide and support us on this journey of awakening.
Once you reconnect with your own true & deep power, it becomes so much easier to:
🌟 Choose a new way of life
🌟 Break down the old patterns & systems which are no longer serving
🌟 Rise up with courage and take a stand for the radical new world which we know is possible to create.
🌟 And so much more that you’ve been dreaming of!
There has never been a more important time to remember who we truly are, and to reconnect with all that we are capable of.